i'm currently on my umpteenth attempt to start a website!!! see the link below. the pages there are much more organized, and i've also started a new journal over there.
however i kinda miss the simplicity of personal venting on my mataroa blog. i love the aesthetic over here and i love how easy it is to bang out a post. i'm doing a sort of index card aesthetic on my website: that is, instead of having long pages with multiple headings, each heading gets its own page, so that every page looks roughly like an individual card. and then you navigate thru a collection of sections (which would normally be a single page) thru pressing next and prev links. this means that the reading experience is a little less tiring. two pagedown clicks is enough to see the whole page. and you get a bit of a break between sections while the next page loads. however it's more maintenance for ME especially since i'm not using a static site generator. not because i have any problems with it, but moreso because i can't wrap my head around all the SSGs. i tried hugo once and it was a huge pain in the ass. although i salute them for using golang and for their program to be a simple executable. unlike all the other SSGs that use stinky node js.
so long story short, maybe i will end up blogging here again, and using my website just for more organized pages? although i really like that card-based organization for my journal posts. makes me feel like i'm flipping thru a paper diary. but also it's hard to maintain. and i really like writing over here on mataroa.
plus it has an auto-rss feed!!!!! i spent a lot of time today trying to automate making my atom feed and it was a bit of a pain. but i'm really proud of myself for learning a lot in the process!!!